What We Believe

Christian Warriors Retreat’s (CWR’s) community stewards an environment that promotes mental, emotional, and spiritual health through the teachings and leading of Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of a virgin, died for the sins of the entire world, and was resurrected on the third day. And we also believe that Jesus Christ is the only way for a person to receive salvation and is the only door through which a person is allowed to enter heaven. We believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three unique persons of God, in one. We believe that the Bible is the Living Word of God and is infallible. We believe that a Christ-based organization should be stewarded with a spirit of honor and excellence. Our community serves four groups of remarkable people; veterans, first responders, wives, and those who love and support them.

Since most of our leadership are veterans and/or first responders, we know firsthand the unique struggles and sacrifices the amazing people we serve encounter. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and other mental disorders have hit our veterans very hard, with more soldiers added to the growing list every day. Did you know that, in the United States, we lose over 20 veterans per day to suicide and that veteran/combat and first responder marriages carry a higher divorce rate than civilian marriages? Families are being ripped apart because of the traumas sustained or witnessed by these brave individuals while serving us. By the grace of God, CWR’s leadership has identified three milestones to sustaining success:

IDENTITY. Although it’s true that once you’re a soldier, you will always be a soldier, we believe our true identities are found only in Jesus Christ. Our program is specifically designed to guide the brave individuals we serve to discover or rediscover their God-given identity.

HEALING. The scars of our veterans and first responders are more than physical. Most of our warriors’ pain, scars, and trauma are mental, emotional, or spiritual. Our leaders and volunteers are trained to help veterans, and first responders heal from the painful memories and traumas of the past through one-on-one and group ministry during our retreats and ongoing discipleship after our retreats.

MISSION. Every soldier desires to follow their mission. The Bible states that we perish from a lack of vision, which is why we equip each warrior we serve with a clear mission and the tools needed for sustained success.

Our founding fathers established the United States of America through a covenant they made with God, our Heavenly Father. Did you know that every soldier or first responder who enlists to serve swore an oath to serve? These oaths to serve others, regardless of circumstance, bond these two unique classes of people together. We pray that more brave men and women are raised in the deep traditions of God, soldiers, and first responders to help us fight this new battle.

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Christian Warriors Retreat is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Flags Carry A Message

Every flag carries a unique message. Flags represent the governments, organizations, and leaders we serve. Christian Warriors Retreat flies the following flags as a visual representation of our unique, God-given mission.

American Flag

The leaders, volunteers, and veterans at Christian Warriors Retreat pledge our allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

The American flag is the United States of America’s national flag, the country where our veterans proudly served. It symbolizes freedom, liberty, and justice throughout the world. Our organization flies 32 American flags as a symbol of honor for each veteran attending our retreats. The unique color of our nation’s flag is symbolic. Red symbolizes hardiness and valor, white symbolizes purity and innocence, and blue symbolizes vigilance, perseverance, and justice.

Christian Flag

The leaders, volunteers, and veterans at Christian Warriors Retreat pledge allegiance to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the Christian flag, which symbolizes our united faith in Christ alone.

The Christian flag represents the faith of all Christians throughout the world. Similar to the American flag, each unique color, white, blue, and red on this flag, is symbolic. The white on the flag symbolizes purity and peace. The blue symbolizes faithfulness, truth, and sincerity. And the red symbolizes the blood shed by Jesus Christ as He made the ultimate sacrifice for the entire world.

An Appeal to Heaven Flag

An Appeal To Heaven is a flag that symbolizes solidarity, conviction, and encouragement to fight for liberty. The phrase “Appeal to Heaven” reminds all Christians to appeal to our Heavenly Father when all resources and justice on earth are exhausted. The evergreen tree symbolizes eternity, as its leaves/needles are known to remain lush and green every season. This powerful symbol was commissioned by General George Washington to be flown over our naval ships during the Revolutionary War over 240 years ago. Christian Warriors Retreat is an organization that is rooted in the Christian faith. We proudly fly this flag at our retreats as a reminder of our nation’s covenant with God.

“The people have no other remedy in this, as in all other cases where they have no judge on earth, but to appeal to heaven …”

— John Locke, Political Philosopher