Roll Call Ceremony

Men’s Christian Warriors Retreat invites the community to attend each retreat’s Roll Call Ceremony. This ceremony is held Saturday evening and allows the community to show their love, appreciation, and honor to our amazing veterans and first responders. The community is asked to arrive at 7:00 p.m. at the chapel located onsite at the El Shaddai Ranch. At 7:30 p.m., our veterans and first responders arrive to join the community for a time of worship and prayer.

Closing Ceremony

The Men’s Christian Warriors Retreat invites the community to attend each retreat’s Closing Ceremony. This ceremony is held on Sunday afternoon. The community is asked to arrive at 1:30 p.m. at the chapel located onsite at the El Shaddai Ranch. At 2:00 p.m., our veterans and first responders arrive to join the community for a time of worship, prayer, and testimonies from the individuals who participated in the four-day retreat. This ceremony is a powerful and emotional time of healing as the attendees tearfully and transparently share their experiences.

Both Men’s ceremonies are open to the public.

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